Event Series Meditation with Khenpo Chophel

Weekly Meditation

Karuna Buddhist Center 423 S. 4th Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI

Every Saturday, 10:30-11:30 am, Khenpo Chophel leads us in meditation. Currently we are practicing the 9 stages of sitting meditation under his guidance. Sit on a cushion or in a chair, and stay afterward for tea and informal discussion if you wish, followed by our other Saturday programs at 12 noon. Newcomers are welcome, and no prior experience is required. Free; donation appreciated.

Event Series Songs of Realization

Songs of Realization

Karuna Buddhist Center 423 S. 4th Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI

Join us as we sing and contemplate songs of the masters together. Buddhist teachings and spiritual experiences are often communicated through songs, such as those famously sung by the great Tibetan yogi, Milarepa. Following the teachings of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, we will sing in English, without judgment of "good" and "bad" as we try to move beyond an intellectual approach to the Dharma. As Khenpo Rinpoche sums up, "Know this life to be like a dream, [...]

Event Series Meditation with Khenpo Chophel

Weekly Meditation

Karuna Buddhist Center 423 S. 4th Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI

Every Saturday, 10:30-11:30 am, Khenpo Chophel leads us in meditation. Currently we are practicing the 9 stages of sitting meditation under his guidance. Sit on a cushion or in a chair, and stay afterward for tea and informal discussion if you wish, followed by our other Saturday programs at 12 noon. Newcomers are welcome, and no prior experience is required. Free; donation appreciated.

Event Series Monthly Puja and Tsok Offering

Monthly Puja and Tsok Offering

Karuna Buddhist Center 423 S. 4th Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI

Every month we assemble for a chanting practice with tsok (feast) offering, such as Guru Rinpoche, Green Tara or Guru Yoga. Texts and instructions are provided. Please bring an offering of vegetarian finger food if you wish.

Event Series Zoom Teachings by Khenpo Chophel

Mindfulness Unleashed: Transforming Difficult Emotions through Mind Training

Zoom Only - Start on any session

Lojong, or “Mind Training,” is a Buddhist system of powerful, sometimes paradoxical, methods through which we can transform anger, attachment and confusion into compassion, generosity and wisdom—the qualities of an enlightened mind. Centuries old, it is nonetheless easy to apply to the daily situations of our modern lives, and is highly suitable as a secular path for those interested in bringing greater meaning and happiness to their lives and relationships. The course will be taught twice a [...]

Event Series Zoom Teachings by Khenpo Chophel

Mindfulness Unleashed: Transforming Difficult Emotions through Mind Training

Zoom Only - Start on any session

Lojong, or “Mind Training,” is a Buddhist system of powerful, sometimes paradoxical, methods through which we can transform anger, attachment and confusion into compassion, generosity and wisdom—the qualities of an enlightened mind. Centuries old, it is nonetheless easy to apply to the daily situations of our modern lives, and is highly suitable as a secular path for those interested in bringing greater meaning and happiness to their lives and relationships. The course will be taught twice a [...]

Losar Celebration

Karuna Buddhist Center 423 S. 4th Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI

Prayers, February 28, 11:00am-noon Open House, March 1, 11:00am-1:00pm Traditional prayers will be offered on Friday, February 28, 11:00am-noon. Light lamps and offer prayers for personal and community wishes. The open House on Saturday, March 1, from 11-1, will feature door prizes, good company, and of course, food, which will be catered by Thai Spoon. Meet our teachers and sangha, as well as special guests from the local university, non-profit, and faith communities. Everyone is welcome, bring [...]

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