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Lojong, or “Mind Training,” is a Buddhist system of powerful, sometimes paradoxical, methods through which we can transform anger, attachment and confusion into compassion, generosity and wisdom—the qualities of an enlightened mind. Centuries old, it is nonetheless easy to apply to the daily situations of our modern lives, and is highly suitable as a secular path for those interested in bringing greater meaning and happiness to their lives and relationships.

The course will be taught twice a month on Zoom for seven sessions to cover the seven steps of mind training. In each session, teacher Khenpo Tshering Chophel will explain one of the steps, and provide time for questions and contemplation of the teachings. Between sessions, students will be asked to practice what they have learned. Khenpo Chophel and other teachers will be available for individual discussion in between classes if desired.

  • February 13: Preliminaries to Support your practice
  • February 27: Training in Enlightened Mind
  • March 12: Transforming Adversity into Enlightenment
  • March 26: Applying your Practice in Daily Life
  • April 9: Evaluating your Mind Training
  • April 23: How to Commit to your Path
  • May 14: Going Forth with Mind Training
Learning objectives

Over the 14 week course, you will study two classic texts on Mind Training by Chekawa Yeshe Dorje and Jamgön Kongtrul and learn specific psychological techniques for training your mind to develop greater compassion for yourself and others. You will practice applying these approaches to daily life challenges, aided by one-on-one coaching if desired. By the end of the course, you will have incorporated this practice into your everyday life as a life-long training.

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