Join us for an enriching overnight retreat at the serene Triple Crane Retreat Center 

Deepen your meditation practice and explore other meditation styles at our first overnight retreat at Triple Crane Retreat Center in Chelsea, MI. Led by Buddhist monk Khenpo Tshering Chophel, this unique opportunity allows you to immerse yourself in meditation, explore diverse meditation techniques, and connect with fellow practitioners in a tranquil setting away from the distractions of everyday life. Master Winnie of Triple Crane will also lead a yoga/tai chi session on Saturday. 

Why Attend?  

–Newcomers: You will learn foundational meditation practices in a supportive environment, including the opportunity for individual guidance. 

 –Experienced meditators: You will learn to deepen your existing practice with new techniques and insights and rejuvenate your commitment to meditation through dedicated practice time. 

What You Will Learn 

Participants will delve into three meditation techniques widely used in Buddhism. Under the expert guidance of Khenpo Chophel, you’ll explore: 

  1. Shamatha (Calm-Abiding Meditation): Develop focus and tranquility through mental stillness, laying the foundation for all other meditative techniques.
  2. Tonglen (Compassion Meditation): Cultivate Bodhicitta by practicing sending and receiving.
  3. Visualization Meditation: Engage your mind and senses in the transformative practice of visualization.


Sessions will include both instruction and practice, and participants will be able to stretch and move periodically as needed. Everyone will have the opportunity for an individual meeting with Khenpo Chophel to discuss their meditation experience and ask questions. 

Stay at Triple Crane or off-site as you prefer.  Enjoy communal vegetarian meals or bring your own food to suit your dietary needs. 

Fall Meditation Retreat Registration

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Friday October 18
3:30-5:30pm: Check-in
5:30-7:00pm: Dinner
7:00-9:00pm: Shamatha Session 1 

Saturday October 19
6:00-7:00am: Shamatha Session 2
7:00-7:30am Personal Time 

7:30-8:30am: Breakfast
8:30-10:30am: Shamatha Session 3
10:30am-12:00: Individual Interviews/Personal Time

10:30am-11:30: Yoga with Master Winnie (optional)

12:00-1:00pm: Lunch
1:00-3:00 pm: Compassion Meditation/Tonglen Session
3:00-4:00pm: Dharma Sharing  

4:00-6:00pm: Visualization Meditation Session (The Creation Stage of Vajrasattva)
6:00-7:00pm: Dinner
7:00-9:00pm: Cleanup and Departure